Source code for ImageMetaTag.webpage

This sub-module contains functions to write out an :class:`ImageMetaTag.ImageDict` to a webpage.

The webpages are made up of a single .html file, which is the page to be loaded to view the images.
Alongside this is a short ImageMetaTag javascript library held in a '.js' file
(currently held in a single file) and a .json file contain the :class:`ImageMetaTag.ImageDict`
tree strcuture as a JSON data strcuture.

To reduce file size, the JSON data structure can be compressed using zlib. If this is the case,
then the `pako javascript library <>`_ is used restore the JSON
data in the browser.

This can either be done using write_full_page, to produce a page with just a set of
selectors to browse the ImageDict, or the different components can be added to a
page as it is being constructed (reading in an html template, for instance).

To write out a full page, use :func:`ImageMetaTag.webpage.write_full_page`.

If the latter, then the following sections are needed:

    * :func:`ImageMetaTag.webpage.write_js_to_header` - writes out the javascript information\
                                                to the html header
    * :func:`ImageMetaTag.webpage.write_js_placeholders` - writes out the placeholders that\
                                                        the javascript will write images to.
    * :func:`ImageMetaTag.webpage.write_json` - writes out the :class:`ImageMetaTag.ImageDict`\
                                                as a json.dump to a json file
    * :func:`ImageMetaTag.webpage.copy_required_js_css_etc` - copies required javascript library \
                                                          to the required location.

An easy example of creating a webpage, using an :class:`ImageMetaTag.ImageDict` is shown in
` <simple.html>`_

.. TIP:: At present, the only webpage style that can be produced is a set of horizontal dropdown\
menus, but more will hopefully be added soon.

.. moduleauthor:: Melissa Brooks

(C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved.
Released under BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE for more details.

import os, json, pdb, shutil, tempfile, copy, zlib
from multiprocessing import Pool
import numpy as np
import ImageMetaTag as imt

# single indent to be used on the output webpage
INDENT = '  '

# for compressed json files, we use pako to inflate the data back to full size:
PAKO_JS_FILE = 'pako_inflate.js'
PAKO_RELEASE = '1.0.5'
PAKO_SOURCE_TAR = '{}.tar.gz'.format(PAKO_RELEASE)

IMG_COMP_JS_FILE = 'img_comparison_slider_styles.js'
IMG_COMP_STYLE = 'img_comparison_slider_styles.css'

[docs] def write_full_page(img_dict, filepath, title, page_filename=None, tab_s_name=None, preamble=None, postamble=None, postamble_no_imt_link=False, compression=False, initial_selectors=None, show_selector_names=False, show_singleton_selectors=True, optgroups=None, url_type='int', only_show_rel_url=False, verbose=False, style='horiz dropdowns', write_intmed_tmpfile=False, description=None, keywords=None, css=None, load_err_msg=None, last_img_in_list_is_slider=False, last_img_still_show=False): ''' Writes out an :class:`ImageMetaTag.ImageDict` as a webpage, to a given file location. The files are created as temporary files and when complete they replace any files that are currently in the specified location. If the img_dict supplied is None, rather than the appropriate class, then a page will be produced with the image selectors missing, and a message saying no images are available. Currently only able to write out a page with horizontal dropdown menus, but other webpage styles could be added. Options: * page_filename - the file name, within the directory (defaults to the name of the file) \ but can be set if tab_s_name is also used. * tab_s_name : used to denote the name of the page, when it is used as a frame \ of a larger page. * preamble : html text added at the top of the <body> text, but before the ImageMetaTag \ section. Can be quite extensive. * postable : html text added after the ImageMetaTag section. A link to the ImageMetaTag \ documentation will be appended unless postamble_no_imt_link is True. * postamble_no_imt_link : if True, no link to the ImageMetaTag documentation will be added \ to the postamble. * initial_selectors - A list of initial values for the selectors, to be passed into \ :func:`ImageMetaTag.webpage.write_js_setup`. * show_selector_names - switches on displaying the selector full names defined by the \ :class:`ImageMetaTag.ImageDict`.full_name_mapping * show_singleton_selectors - When set to False, selectors that have only one element are \ not displayed (default=True). * optgroups - The contents of selectors can be grouped together to make large lists \ more readable. This is passed into \ :func:`ImageMetaTag.webpage.write_js_to_header`. * url_type - determines the type of URL at the bottom of the ImageMetaTag section. Can be \ 'int' or 'str'. * only_show_rel_url - If True, the wepage will only show relative urls in is link section. * verbose - If True, stdout will be more verbose * style - the style of output page to write, currently only 'horiz dropdowns' is valid * write_intmed_tmpfile - If True, files are written out to temporary filenames and then \ moved when completed. * description - html description metadata * keywords - html keyword metadata * compression - default False. If True, then the json data object will be compressed \ using zlib string compression. When read into the browser, we will use \ pako to inflate it ( * css - Optional CSS file used to style webpage. By default a small amount of css is \ written out in the page header. * load_err_msg - additional message to show after 'Please wait while the page is loading'. \ default is None, but very large pages can crash with Internet Explorer so \ a message along the lines of this may be useful: 'If the page does not \ load correctly in Internet Explorer, please try using firefox or Chrome.' * last_img_in_list_is_slider - for the 'horiz dropdowns' page style, when the image payload \ contains a list of images, then when this is True, the last \ images is used as an on overlay/slider on the other images. * last_img_still_show - when last_img_in_list_is_slider applies a set of sliders, this \ toggles whether or not the last image is still shown, as a static \ image or not. Returns a list of files that the the created webpage is dependent upon. ''' page_dependencies = [] if not (isinstance(img_dict, imt.ImageDict) or img_dict is None): raise ValueError('write_full_page works on an ImageMetaTag ImageDict.') if page_filename is None: page_filename = os.path.basename(filepath) if not page_filename: msg = 'filepath ({})" must specify a file (not a directory' raise ValueError(msg.format(filepath)) # other files involved: file_dir, file_name = os.path.split(filepath) page_dependencies.append(file_name) if img_dict is None: json_files = [] else: # now make sure the required javascript library is copied over to the file_dir: js_css_files = copy_required_js_css_etc(file_dir, style, compression=compression, last_img_in_list_is_slider=last_img_in_list_is_slider) page_dependencies.extend(js_css_files) # we have real data to work with: # this tests the dict has uniform_depth, which is needed for all current webpages. dict_depth = img_dict.dict_depth(uniform_depth=True) # work out what files we need to create: file_name_no_ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] # json file to hold the image_dict branching data etc: json_file_no_ext = os.path.join(file_dir, file_name_no_ext) json_files = write_json(img_dict, json_file_no_ext, compression=compression) # the final page is dependent on the final locations of the json files, # relative to the html: page_dependencies.extend([os.path.split(x[1])[1] for x in json_files]) # this is the internal name the different selectors, associated lists for the selectors, and # the list of files (all with a numbered suffix): selector_prefix = 'sel' url_separator = '|' # now write the actual output file: if write_intmed_tmpfile: # get a temporary file: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', suffix='.html', prefix='imt_tmppage_', dir=file_dir, delete=False) as html_file_obj: tmp_html_filepath = filepath_to_write = tmp_html_filepath else: filepath_to_write = filepath # start the indent: ind = '' # open the file - this is a nice and simple file so just use the with open... with open(filepath_to_write, 'w') as out_file: # write out the start of the file: out_file.write('<!DOCTYPE html>\n') out_file.write(ind + '<html>\n') # increase the indent level: ind = _indent_up_one(ind) out_file.write(ind + '<head>\n') ind = _indent_up_one(ind) if title is not None: out_file.write('{}<title>{}</title>\n'.format(ind, title)) out_str = ind+'<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">\n' out_file.write(out_str) if css: # copy the css file into the file_dir (unless that's were it already is): try: shutil.copy(css, file_dir) except shutil.Error as sh_err: if imt.PY3: if 'are the same file' in sh_err.__str__(): pass else: raise sh_err else: if 'are the same file' in sh_err.message: pass else: raise sh_err base_css = os.path.basename(css) page_dependencies.append(base_css) out_str = ind+'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{0}">\n' out_file.write(out_str.format(base_css)) else: if style == 'horiz dropdowns': # write out a little css at the top: css = '''{0}<style> {0} body {{ {0} background-color: #ffffff; {0} color: #000000; {0} }} {0} body, div, dl, dt, dd, li, h1, h2 {{ {0} margin: 0; {0} padding: 0; {0} }} {0} h3, h4, h5, h6, pre, form, fieldset, input {{' {0} margin: 0; {0} padding: 0; {0} }} {0} textarea, p, blockquote {{ {0} margin: 0; {0} padding: 0; {0} }} {0} th, td {{ {0} margin: 0; {0} padding: 0; {0} vertical-align: top; {0} }} {0} fieldset, img {{ {0} border: 0 none; {0} vertical-align: top; {0} }} {0} body {{ {0} font: 12px Myriad,Helvetica,Tahoma,Arial,clean,sans-serif; {0} *font-size: 75%; {0} }} {0} h1 {{ {0} font-size: 1.5em; {0} font-weight: normal; {0} line-height: 1em; {0} margin-top: 1em; {0} margin-bottom:0; {0} }} {0} h2 {{ {0} font-size: 1.1667em; {0} font-weight: bold; {0} line-height: 1.286em; {0} margin-top: 1.929em; {0} margin-bottom:0.643em; {0} }} {0} h3, h4, h5, h6 {{ {0} font-size: 1em; {0} font-weight: bold; {0} line-height: 1.5em; {0} margin-top: 1.5em; {0} margin-bottom: 0; {0} }} {0} p {{ {0} font-size: 1em; {0} margin-top: 1.5em; {0} margin-bottom: 1.5em; {0} line-height: 1.5em; {0} }} {0} pre, code {{ {0} font-size:115%; {0} *font-size:100%; {0} font-family: Courier, "Courier New"; {0} background-color: #efefef; {0} border: 1px solid #ccc; {0} }} {0} pre {{ {0} border-width: 1px 0; {0} padding: 1.5em; {0} }} {0} table {{ {0} font-size:100%; {0} }} {0}</style> ''' out_file.write(css.format(ind)) # now write out the specific stuff to the html header: if img_dict is None: # an empty img_dict needs very little: write_js_to_header(img_dict, file_obj=out_file, pagename=page_filename, tabname=tab_s_name, ind=ind, description=description, keywords=keywords) else: # the json_files is a list of (tmp_file, final_file) tuples. # Here we want the final one: final_json_files = [os.path.split(x[1])[1] for x in json_files] write_js_to_header(img_dict, initial_selectors=initial_selectors, optgroups=optgroups, file_obj=out_file, json_files=final_json_files, js_css_files=js_css_files, pagename=page_filename, tabname=tab_s_name, selector_prefix=selector_prefix, url_separator=url_separator, show_singleton_selectors=show_singleton_selectors, url_type=url_type, only_show_rel_url=only_show_rel_url, style=style, ind=ind, compression=compression, last_img_in_list_is_slider=last_img_in_list_is_slider, last_img_still_show=last_img_still_show, description=description, keywords=keywords) # now close the script and head: ind = _indent_down_one(ind) out_file.write(ind + '</script>\n') ind = _indent_down_one(ind) out_file.write(ind + '</head>\n') # now start the body: out_file.write('{}<body>\n'.format(ind)) # the preamble is the first thing to go in the body: if preamble is not None: out_file.write(preamble + '\n') # now the img_dict content: if img_dict is None: out_file.write('<p><h1>No images are available for this page.</h1></p>') else: # now write out the end, which includes the placeholders for the actual # stuff that appears on the page: if show_selector_names: level_names = img_dict.level_names else: level_names = False # if we're labelling selectors, and we have an animator button, label that too: if img_dict.selector_animated > 1 and show_selector_names: anim_level = level_names[img_dict.selector_animated] else: anim_level = None write_js_placeholders(img_dict, file_obj=out_file, dict_depth=img_dict.dict_depth(), style=style, level_names=level_names, show_singleton_selectors=show_singleton_selectors, last_img_in_list_is_slider=last_img_in_list_is_slider, animated_level=anim_level, load_err_msg=load_err_msg) # the body is done, so the postamble comes in: postamble_endline = 'Page created with <a href="{}">ImageMetaTag {}</a>' postamble_endline = postamble_endline.format(imt.__documentation__, imt.__version__) if not postamble_no_imt_link: if postamble is None: postamble = postamble_endline else: postamble = '{}\n{}'.format(postamble, postamble_endline) if postamble is not None: out_file.write(postamble + '\n') # finish the body, and html: out_file.write(ind + '</body>\n') out_file.write('\n</html>') if write_intmed_tmpfile: tmp_files_to_mv = json_files + [(tmp_html_filepath, filepath)] else: tmp_files_to_mv = json_files for tmp_file_mv in tmp_files_to_mv: # now move the json, then the html files: os.chmod(tmp_file_mv[0], 0o644) shutil.move(tmp_file_mv[0], tmp_file_mv[1]) if verbose: print('File "%s" complete.' % filepath) return page_dependencies
[docs] def write_js_to_header(img_dict, initial_selectors=None, optgroups=None, style=None, file_obj=None, json_files=None, js_css_files=None, pagename=None, tabname=None, selector_prefix=None, show_singleton_selectors=True, url_separator='|', url_type='str', only_show_rel_url=False, ind=None, compression=False, last_img_in_list_is_slider=False, last_img_still_show=False, description=None, keywords=None): ''' Writes out the required ImageMetaTag config and data paths into a html header section for an input :class:`ImageMetaTag.ImageDict`. Currently only able to write out a page with horizontal dropdown menus, but other webpage styles could be added. * initial_selectors - A list of initial values for the selectors. * optgroups - The contents of selectors can be grouped together to make large lists \ more readable. These groups are specified as a 2-level dictionary where the \ first level is the index of the selectors to have groups. \ The second level contains the {'group name': [contents]}. By specifying an optgroup, the order of the elements in a selector uses \ the optgroups first. By default the optgroup names are sorted, but the \ order of the optgroups can be specified by including a \ 'imt_optgroup_order': [ordered list of opgroup names], in a second level dictionary that specifies the 'group name': [contents] \ Within each optgroup the order of elements is taken from their order in the \ image dict. * style - the style of the output webpage, currently only 'horiz dropdowns' is available * file_obj - the open file object to write the header to. * json_files - a list of the json (or other similar object) containing the representation of \ the ImageDict data. * js_file - the javascript file containing the actual scripting for the selected style. * pagename - the file name, within the directory (defaults to the name of the file) \ but can be set if tab_s_name is also used. * tabname : used to denote the name of the page, when it is used as a frame \ of a larger page. * selector_prefix - prefix to use for javascript selector names (defaults to 'sel') * show_singleton_selectors - When set to False, selectors that have only one element are \ not displayed (default=True). * url_type - determines the type of URL at the bottom of the ImageMetaTag section. Can be \ 'int' or 'str'. * only_show_rel_url - If True, the wepage will only show relative urls in is link section. * ind - indentation going into the header section. * compression - Indicates the json file is compressed using zlib. * last_img_in_list_is_slider - indicates the last image in a list of images \ in a payload should be used as an overlay/slider * last_img_still_show - if last_img_in_list_is_slider, then this controls if the last image \ is shown as a static image or not, at the end. * description - html description metadata7 * keywords - html keyword metadata ''' if not (isinstance(img_dict, imt.ImageDict) or img_dict is None): raise ValueError('Input img_dict is not an ImageMetaTag ImageDict') if ind is None: ind = '' if description is not None: file_obj.write('{}<meta name="description" content="{}">\n'.format(ind, description)) if keywords is not None: file_obj.write('{}<meta name="keywords" content="{}">\n'.format(ind, keywords)) if img_dict is not None: ## add a reference to the data structure: #out_str = '{}<script type="text/javascript" src="{}"></script>\n'.format(ind, json_files) #file_obj.write(out_str) # now add a reference to the javascript functions to implement the style: for js_cs_file in js_css_files: if js_cs_file.endswith('.js'): out_str = '{}<script type="text/javascript" src="{}"></script>\n'.format(ind, js_cs_file) elif js_cs_file.endswith('.css'): out_str = '{}<link rel="stylesheet" href="{}"></script>\n'.format(ind, js_cs_file) else: msg = 'Unexpected file type. Expecting .js or .css but got {}' raise ValueError(msg.format(js_cs_file)) file_obj.write(out_str) # now write out the javascript configuration variables: file_obj.write(ind + '<script type="text/javascript">\n') ind = _indent_up_one(ind) # define, read in and parse the json file: out_str = '''{0}var json_files = {1}; {0}var zl_unpack = {2}; {0}var last_img_slider = {3}; {0}var last_img_still_show = {4}; {0}imt = read_parse_json_files(json_files, zl_unpack); ''' file_obj.write(out_str.format(ind, json_files, _py_to_js_bool(bool(compression)), _py_to_js_bool(bool(last_img_in_list_is_slider)), _py_to_js_bool(bool(last_img_still_show)), )) # in case the page we are writing is embedded as a frame, write out the top # level page here; file_obj.write('{}var pagename = "{}"\n'.format(ind, pagename)) # the tab name is used in setting up the URL in nested frames: file_obj.write('{}var tab_name = "{}";\n'.format(ind, tabname)) dict_depth = img_dict.dict_depth() # the key_to_selector variable is what maps each set of keys onto a selector on the page: key_to_selector = str([selector_prefix + str(x) for x in range(dict_depth)]) file_obj.write('{}var key_to_selector = {};\n'.format(ind, key_to_selector)) # this determines whether a selector uses the animation controls on a page: file_obj.write('{}var anim_sel = {};\n'.format(ind, img_dict.selector_animated)) # and the direction the animation runs in: file_obj.write('{}var anim_dir = {};\n'.format(ind, img_dict.animation_direction)) # and the direction the animation runs in: # the url_separator is the text character that goes between the variables in the url: if url_separator == '&': msg = 'Cannot use "&" as the url_separator, as some strings will ' msg += 'become html special characters. For instance &para-global ' msg += 'will be treated as a paragraph then -global, not the intended string.' raise ValueError(msg) file_obj.write('{}var url_separator = "{}";\n'.format(ind, url_separator)) # the url_type determines whether the url is full of integers (int), with meaningful # values internally or text which looks more meaningful to the user: file_obj.write('{}var url_type = "{}";\n'.format(ind, url_type)) # the show_rel_url logical (converted to a string to init a javascript bool) file_obj.write('{}var show_rel_url = {};\n'.format(ind, _py_to_js_bool(only_show_rel_url))) # the selected_id needs to be defined here too, as it's used as a global variable # (it will be overwritten later if the URL changes it, and when selectors change it): if initial_selectors is None: # if it's not set, then set it to something invalid, and the validator # in the javascript will sort it out. It MUST be the right length though: file_obj.write('{}var selected_id = {};\n'.format(ind, str([-1]*dict_depth))) else: if not isinstance(initial_selectors, list): msg = 'Input initial_selectors must be a list, of length the depth of the ImageDict' raise ValueError(msg) if len(initial_selectors) != img_dict.dict_depth(): msg = 'Input initial_selectors must be a list, of length the depth of the ImageDict' raise ValueError(msg) # the input can either be a list of integer indices, or strings that match: initial_selectors_as_inds = [] initial_selectors_as_string = [] for i_sel, sel_value in enumerate(initial_selectors): if isinstance(sel_value, int): if sel_value < 0 or sel_value >= len(img_dict.keys[i_sel]): raise ValueError('initial_selectors are out of range') # store the initial_selectors_as_inds initial_selectors_as_inds.append(sel_value) # and as a string: initial_selectors_as_string.append(img_dict.keys[i_sel][sel_value]) else: # get the index of that value: initial_selectors_as_inds.append(img_dict.keys[i_sel].index(sel_value)) # and simple store the string: initial_selectors_as_string.append(sel_value) # check that's valid: if img_dict.return_from_list(initial_selectors_as_string) is None: raise ValueError('Input initial_selectors does not end up at a valid image/payload') # write that out: file_obj.write('{}var selected_id = {};\n'.format(ind, initial_selectors_as_inds)) # now write out the lists of keys, to the different levels: keys_to_js = [str(x[1]) for x in img_dict.keys.items()] file_obj.write('{}var key_lists = [{},\n'.format(ind, keys_to_js[0])) ind = _indent_up_one(ind) for i_depth in range(1, dict_depth): file_obj.write('{}{},\n'.format(ind, keys_to_js[i_depth])) ind = _indent_down_one(ind) file_obj.write(ind + '];\n') # now write out optgroups: non_optgroup_elems = {} if optgroups: # if the optgroup order hasn't been specified, then # the default is a sort: for group_ind, optgroup in optgroups.items(): # keep a note of the elements in the whole list, so we know which ones # aren't in any optgroup: all_keys = copy.deepcopy(img_dict.keys[group_ind]) if 'imt_optgroup_order' not in optgroup: optgroup['imt_optgroup_order'] = sorted(optgroup.keys()) # make sure that the elements within the optgroup are a sorted # list, sorted according to the order in the img_dict.keys() for group_name, group_elements in optgroup.items(): if group_name != 'imt_optgroup_order': # pick up the indices of the elements, in the main list of keys: elem_inds = [img_dict.keys[group_ind].index(x) for x in group_elements] # now sort by elem_inds sorted_elems = sorted(zip(elem_inds, group_elements)) # and pull out the bit we need again: optgroup[group_name] = [x[1] for x in sorted_elems] # and make a list of those elements that aren't in any optgroup! for group_element in group_elements: all_keys.remove(group_element) non_optgroup_elems[group_ind] = all_keys # convert the optgroups to a list, in javascript, with each selector # having an element within it: optg_str = '[' non_optg_str = '[' for i_depth in range(dict_depth): if i_depth in optgroups: optg_str += json.dumps(optgroups[i_depth], separators=(',', ':')) non_optg_str += str(non_optgroup_elems[i_depth]) else: # no optgroup for this selector: optg_str += '{}' non_optg_str += '[]' if i_depth < dict_depth -1: # the final element mustn't have a comma or internet explorer will complain: optg_str += ',' non_optg_str += ',' # close the javascript list: optg_str += '];' non_optg_str += '];' else: optg_str = '[' + '{},' * (dict_depth-1) + '{}]' non_optg_str = '[' + '[],' * (dict_depth-1) + '[]]' file_obj.write('{}var optgroups = {}\n'.format(ind, optg_str)) file_obj.write('{}var optgroup_redisual = {}\n'.format(ind, non_optg_str)) file_obj.write('{}var show_singleton_selectors = {};\n'.format(ind, int(show_singleton_selectors))) # now some top level things: if style == 'horiz dropdowns': file_obj.write(''' {0}// other top level derived variables {0}// the depth of the ImageMetaTag ImageDict (number of selectors): {0}var n_deep = selected_id.length; {0}// a list of the options available to the animator buttons, with the current selection {0}var anim_options = []; {0}// the index of the current option for the animator: {0}var anim_ind = 0; '''.format(ind)) # now, the main call: file_obj.write(ind + '// redefine onload, so it calls the imt_main to write the page:\n') file_obj.write(ind + 'window.onload = function() {imt_main();}\n')
# END of the imt specifc header content: def write_js_setup_defaults(selector_prefix=None, list_prefix=None, file_list_name=None): ''' this specifies defaults for the internal names the different selectors, associated lists for the selectors, and the list of files (all with a numbered suffix) ''' if selector_prefix is None: selector_prefix = 'sel' if list_prefix is None: list_prefix = 'list' if file_list_name is None: file_list_name = 'file_list' return (selector_prefix, list_prefix, file_list_name)
[docs] def write_json(img_dict, file_name_no_ext, compression=False, chunk_char_limit=1e7): ''' Writes a json dump of the :class:`ImageMetaTag.ImageDict` tree strucuture to a target file path. Options: * compression : If True, json is compressed using zlib compresion * chunk_char_limit : large strings are split into chunks for memory efficency \ in the browser. Returns a list of json files as (tempfile, final_file) tuples. ''' def json_from_dict(in_dict): 'returns a json string from an input dict' return json.dumps(in_dict, separators=(',', ':')) if isinstance(img_dict, imt.ImageDict): dict_as_json = json_from_dict(img_dict.dict) elif isinstance(img_dict, str): dict_as_json = img_dict else: raise ValueError('input img_dict is not an ImageMetaTag.ImageDict or string') # file suffix: suffix = '.json' if compression: suffix += '.zlib' # the output files: out_files = [] tmp_file_dir = os.path.split(file_name_no_ext)[0] # use the maximum length of a single string per file: n_chunks = np.ceil(len(dict_as_json) / chunk_char_limit) n_chunks = int(n_chunks) if n_chunks == 1: # easy if it fits into a single file: json_file = file_name_no_ext + suffix if compression: wrt_str, file_mode = compress_string(dict_as_json) else: wrt_str = dict_as_json file_mode = 'w' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(file_mode, suffix='.json', prefix='imt_', dir=tmp_file_dir, delete=False) as file_obj: file_obj.write(wrt_str) tmp_file_path = # make a note of the outputs: out_files.append((tmp_file_path, json_file)) else: # find the appropriate depth at which to split the dict: if not isinstance(img_dict, imt.ImageDict): msg = 'Large data sets need to be supplied as an ImageDict, so they can be split' raise ValueError(msg) dict_depth = img_dict.dict_depth(uniform_depth=True) if len(img_dict.keys) != dict_depth: raise ValueError('Inconsistent depth and keys. Do the keys need relisting?') # determine approximately how many splits will be obtained by breaking up the # dictionary at each level, assuming the tree structure branches uniformly. n_by_depth = [] for i_depth in range(dict_depth): if i_depth == 0: n_by_depth = [len(img_dict.keys[i_depth])] else: n_by_depth.append(len(img_dict.keys[i_depth]) * n_by_depth[-1]) if n_by_depth[-1] >= n_chunks: break # i_depth is an index, but depth is the number of levels, so needs one adding: depth = i_depth + 1 # get all the combinations of keys that reach the required depth: keys, array_inds = img_dict.dict_index_array(maxdepth=depth) # now loop through the array_inds. Each one contains the indices of a valid path through # the dict, to the required depth. Each subdict will be written to a separate .json file paths = [] top_dict = {} for i_json, path_inds in enumerate(array_inds): # traverse to the subdict, given by the current path, # storing the keys of the path along the way subdict = img_dict.dict path = [] for level, ind in enumerate(path_inds): subdict = subdict[keys[level][ind]] path.append(keys[level][ind]) # convert the subdict to .json subdict_as_json = json_from_dict(subdict) # and write this out: json_file = '{}_{}{}'.format(file_name_no_ext, i_json, suffix) if compression: wrt_str, file_mode = compress_string(subdict_as_json) else: wrt_str = dict_as_json file_mode = 'w' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(file_mode, suffix='.json', prefix='imt_', dir=tmp_file_dir, delete=False) as file_obj: file_obj.write(wrt_str) tmp_file_path = # make a note of the outputs: out_files.append((tmp_file_path, json_file)) # now add this to the top level dict structure, so the final # json file can pull them all togther: path_dict = {path[-1]: '**FILE_{}**'.format(i_json)} # go backwards, from the second from last element of the path, to add more; for key in path[-2::-1]: path_dict = {key: path_dict} img_dict.dict_union(top_dict, path_dict) # add it to the paths, as a cross reference: paths.append(path) # now create the final json file that combines the previous # ones into a single usable object: i_json += 1 # convert the subdict to .json subdict_as_json = json_from_dict(top_dict) # and write this out: json_file = '{}_{}{}'.format(file_name_no_ext, i_json, suffix) if compression: wrt_str, file_mode = compress_string(subdict_as_json) else: wrt_str = dict_as_json file_mode = 'w' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(file_mode, suffix='.json', prefix='imt_', dir=tmp_file_dir, delete=False) as file_obj: file_obj.write(wrt_str) tmp_file_path = # make a note of the outputs: out_files.append((tmp_file_path, json_file)) return out_files
def compress_string(in_str): ''' Compresses a string using zlib to a format that can be read with pako. Returns both the compressed string and the file mode to use. ''' if imt.PY3: # python3, compress a byte: #comp_str = str(zlib.compress(bytearray(in_str, 'utf-8'))) comp_str = zlib.compress(in_str.encode(encoding='utf=8')) file_mode = 'wb' else: # python2, compress a string: comp_str = zlib.compress(in_str) file_mode = 'w' return comp_str, file_mode
[docs] def write_js_placeholders(img_dict, file_obj=None, dict_depth=None, selector_prefix=None, style='horiz dropdowns', level_names=False, show_singleton_selectors=True, last_img_in_list_is_slider=False, animated_level=None, load_err_msg=None): ''' Writes the placeholders into the page body, for the javascript to manipulate * file_obj - an open file object to write to * dict_dept - the depth of the :class:`ImageMetaTag.ImageDict` \ being written * selector_prefix - prefix for the variable names of the selectors \ (these are visible to people viewing the webpage!) * style - In future, it would be great to write out different types of \ webpages. For now they are always horizontal dropdown menus. * show_singleton_selectors - When set to False, selectors that have \ only one element are not displayed \ (default=True). * level_names - if supplied, this need to be a list of full names, for \ the selectors, of length dict_depth. * animated_level - if supplied, as a string, this will be used to label \ the animator buttons. * load_err_msg - additional message to show after 'Please wait while the \ page is loading'. default is None, but very large pages \ can crash with Internet Explorer so a message along the \ lines of this may be useful: 'If the page does not load \ correctly in Internet Explorer, please try using \ firefox or Chrome.' ''' if not show_singleton_selectors: # work out which selectors we actually want to show: show_sel = [len(img_dict.keys[x]) > 1 for x in range(dict_depth)] if not any(show_sel): # if there aren't any selectors in this way, that's usually a mistake # so show them all: show_sel = [True] * dict_depth else: show_sel = [True] * dict_depth sels_shown = sum(show_sel) if selector_prefix is None: selector_prefix, _junk1, _junk2 = write_js_setup_defaults() apply_level_names = False if level_names: if not isinstance(level_names, list): raise ValueError('level_names needs to be a list of length dict_depth') if len(level_names) != dict_depth: raise ValueError('level_names needs to be a list, of length dict_depth') apply_level_names = True else: apply_level_names = False if style == 'horiz dropdowns': file_obj.write(''' <!-- Now for some placeholders for the scripts to put content --> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=99% align=center> <tr> <td> <font size=3>''') # a text label for the animator buttons: if isinstance(animated_level, str): anim_label = '{}: '.format(animated_level) else: anim_label = '' # for each level of depth in the plot dictionary, add a span to hold the selector: if apply_level_names: # if we want labelled selectors, then write out # a table, with pairs of label, selector, in columns: file_obj.write(''' <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style='border-spacing: 3px 0;'> <tr> ''') for level in range(dict_depth): if show_sel[level]: file_obj.write(' <td>{}&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>\n'.format(level_names[level])) file_obj.write(''' </tr> <tr> ''') for level in range(dict_depth): if show_sel[level]: selp = selector_prefix + str(level) out_str = ' <td><span id="{}">&nbsp;</span></td>\n'.format(selp) file_obj.write(out_str) file_obj.write(''' </tr> ''') # add the placeholder for animators buttons: file_obj.write(''' <tr> <td colspan={}> {}<span id="animator1">&nbsp;</span> <span id="animator2">&nbsp;</span> </td> </tr> </table> '''.format(dict_depth, anim_label)) else: # simply a set of spans, in a line: for lev in range(dict_depth): if show_sel[lev]: file_obj.write(''' <span id="%s%s">&nbsp;</span>''' % (selector_prefix, lev)) file_obj.write('\n <br>') # add the placeholder for animators buttons: file_obj.write(''' {}<span id="animator1">&nbsp;</span> <span id="animator2">&nbsp;</span> <br> '''.format(anim_label)) if last_img_in_list_is_slider: # adds in the default slider position, if needed: file_obj.write(''' <div id='slider'> Default slider position: <input type="range" min="1" max="100" value="80" class="slider" id="slider_default"> </div> ''') # now add somewhere for the image to go: if load_err_msg is None: img_div = ' <div id="the_image">Please wait while the page is loading</div>' file_obj.write(img_div) else: img_div = ' <div id="the_image">Please wait while the page is loading.<br>{}</div>' file_obj.write(img_div.format(load_err_msg)) file_obj.write('\n <div id="the_url">....</div>') # and finish off the placeholders: file_obj.write(''' </font> </td> </tr> </table> ''') else: raise ValueError('"%s" tyle of content placeholder not defined' % style)
[docs] def copy_required_js_css_etc(file_dir, style, compression=False, last_img_in_list_is_slider=False, overwrite=True): ''' Copies the required javascript library to the directory containing the required page (file_dir) for a given webpage style. If a file is already present it will be checked based it's first line. If the file is different, it will be overwritten if overwrite is True. Also copies/obtains required javascript for reading files compressed with zlib, if compression=True. ''' if style == 'horiz dropdowns': imt_js_to_copy = 'imt_dropdown.js' # get this from the installed ImageMetaTag directory: file_src_dir = os.path.join(imt.__path__[0], 'javascript') first_line = '// ImageMetaTag dropdown menu scripting - vn{}\n'.format(imt.__version__) else: raise ValueError('Javascript library not set up for style: {}'.format(style)) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file_dir, imt_js_to_copy)): # file isn't in target dir, so copy it: shutil.copy(os.path.join(file_src_dir, imt_js_to_copy), os.path.join(file_dir, imt_js_to_copy)) else: # the file is there, check it's right: with open(os.path.join(file_dir, imt_js_to_copy)) as file_obj: this_first_line = file_obj.readline() if first_line == this_first_line: # the file is good, move on: pass else: if overwrite: shutil.copy(os.path.join(file_src_dir, imt_js_to_copy), os.path.join(file_dir, imt_js_to_copy)) else: print('''File: {}/{} differs to the expected contents, but is not being overwritten. Your webpage may be broken!'''.format(file_dir, imt_js_to_copy)) # make a list of all the required javascript files js_css_files = [imt_js_to_copy] # now move on to javascript dependencies from the compression: if compression: js_to_copy = PAKO_JS_FILE js_src = os.path.join(file_src_dir, js_to_copy) js_dest = os.path.join(file_dir, js_to_copy) # if the file is already at destination, we're good: if os.path.isfile(js_dest): pass else: # is the required file in the javascript source directory: if not os.path.isfile(js_src): # we need to get the required javascript from source. # # if we have permission to write to teh file_src_dir then # try to do so. This means it's installed for all uses from this # install of ImageMetaTag: if os.access(file_src_dir, os.W_OK): pako_to_dir = file_src_dir # now get pako: get_pako(pako_to_dir=pako_to_dir) # and copy it to where it's needed for this call: shutil.copy(js_src, js_dest) else: # put pako js file into the target dir. At least it will # be available for subsequent writes to that dir: pako_to_dir = file_dir # now get pako to that dir: get_pako(pako_to_dir=pako_to_dir) else: # copy the file: shutil.copy(js_src, js_dest) # finally, make a note: js_css_files.append(js_to_copy) if last_img_in_list_is_slider: files_to_copy = [IMG_COMP_STYLE, IMG_COMP_JS_FILE] for js_to_copy in files_to_copy: js_src = os.path.join(file_src_dir, js_to_copy) js_dest = os.path.join(file_dir, js_to_copy) # if the file is already at destination, we're good: if os.path.isfile(js_dest): pass else: # copy the file: shutil.copy(js_src, js_dest) # finally, make a note: js_css_files.append(js_to_copy) return js_css_files
def get_pako(pako_to_dir=None): ''' Obtains the required pako javascript code from remote host, to a given javascript directory. If the javascript dir is not supplied, then the 'javascript' directory alongside the ImageMetaTag python code is used. ''' import tarfile from urllib.request import urlopen # set up pako into the current imt_dir: if pako_to_dir is None: pako_to_dir = os.path.join(imt.__path__[0], 'javascript') # Open the url pako_urlopen = urlopen(PAKO_SOURCE_TAR) print("downloading " + PAKO_SOURCE_TAR) # Open our local file for writing with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', suffix='.tar.gz', prefix='pako_', delete=False) as local_file: local_file.write( targz_file = pako_urlopen.close() # now extract the file we need: with, mode='r:gz') as tgz: if not tarfile.is_tarfile: raise ValueError('Downloaded pako tar.gz file cannot be read.') target = 'pako-{}/dist/{}'.format(PAKO_RELEASE, PAKO_JS_FILE) target_file = tgz.extractfile(target) if target_file: with open(os.path.join(pako_to_dir, PAKO_JS_FILE), 'w') as final_file: for line in target_file: final_file.write(line) os.remove(targz_file) def _indent_up_one(ind): 'increases the indent level of an input ind by one' n_indents = int(len(ind) / LEN_INDENT) return INDENT * (n_indents + 1) def _indent_down_one(ind): 'decreases the indent level of an input ind by one' n_indents = int(len(ind) / LEN_INDENT) return INDENT * max(n_indents - 1, 0) def _py_to_js_bool(py_bool): 'Converts a python boolean to a string, in javascript bool format (all lower case)' if py_bool is True: return 'true' elif py_bool is False: return 'false' raise ValueError('input to _py_to_js_bool is not a boolean, it is: %s' % py_bool)