Source code for ImageMetaTag.savefig

This module contains a wrapper for matplotlib.pyplot.savefig. The primary
function of the wrapper is to add image metadata taggging and database storage
of that metadata.

As the output images are already being post-processed to add the metadata,
basic image manipulation options are included to crop images, add logos and
reduce their file size by simplifying their colour palette.

.. moduleauthor:: Melissa Brooks

(C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved.
Released under BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE for more details.


import os
import sys
import io
import sqlite3
import pdb
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# image manipulations:
from PIL import Image, ImageChops, PngImagePlugin
import numpy as np

from ImageMetaTag import db, META_IMG_FORMATS, RESERVED_TAGS


[docs] def savefig(filename, fig=None, img_tags=None, img_format=None, img_converter=0, do_trim=False, trim_border=0, do_thumb=False, keep_open=False, dpi=None, logo_file=None, logo_width=None, logo_height=None, logo_padding=0, logo_pos=0, db_file=None, db_timeout=DEFAULT_DB_TIMEOUT, db_attempts=DEFAULT_DB_ATTEMPTS, db_replace=False, db_add_strict=False, db_full_paths=False, verbose=False): ''' A wrapper around matplotlib.pyplot.savefig, to include file size optimisation and image tagging. The filesize optimisation depends on the img_converter input passes into :func:`ImageMetaTag.image_file_postproc`. Arguments: * filename (can include the file extension, or that can be specified in \ the img_format option) Options: * fig - matplotlib figure to save * img_format - file format of the image. If not supplied it will be \ guessed from the filename. Currently only the png file \ format is supported for tagging/conversion. * img_tags - a dictionary of {tag_name : value} pairs to be added to the\ image metadata. Both tag_name and value should be strings \ and if is not possible to save a tag_name that is used for \ system purposes of image readers/writers. (e.g. dpi, gamma, interlace, transparency etc.) * db_file - a database file to be used by \ :func:`ImageMetaTag.db.write_img_to_dbfile` to store all \ image metadata so they can be quickly accessed. * db_full_paths - by default, if the images can be expressed as relative \ path to the database file then the database will \ contain only relative links, unless db_full_paths is \ True. * db_timeout - change the database timeout (in seconds). * db_attempts - change the number of attempts to write to the database. * db_replace - if True, an image's metadata will be replaced in the \ database if it already exists. This can be slow, and the \ metadata is usually the same so the default is \ db_replace=False. * db_add_strict - if True, any attempt to add an image whose metadata \ tag_names are not present in a pre-existing database \ will result in a ValueError being raised. \ If False, then adding a new metadata tag to the \ database will cause it be rewritten with the new item \ as a new column. All pre-existing images will have \ the new tag set to 'None'. It is best to avoid using \ this functionality as it can be slow for large \ databases. Instead, all images should be ideally have \ all expected metadata tags included from the start \ but set to 'None' where they are not used. * dpi - change the image resolution passed into matplotlib.savefig. * keep_open - by default, this savefig wrapper closes the figure after \ use, except if keep_open is True. * verbose - switch for verbose output (reports file sizes before/after \ conversion) * img_converter - see :func:`ImageMetaTag.image_file_postproc`. * do_trim - see :func:`ImageMetaTag.image_file_postproc`. * trim_border - see :func:`ImageMetaTag.image_file_postproc`. * logo_file - see :func:`ImageMetaTag.image_file_postproc`. * logo_width - see :func:`ImageMetaTag.image_file_postproc`. * logo_height - see :func:`ImageMetaTag.image_file_postproc`. * logo_padding - see :func:`ImageMetaTag.image_file_postproc`. * logo_pos - see :func:`ImageMetaTag.image_file_postproc`. * do_thumb - see :func:`ImageMetaTag.image_file_postproc`. ''' # If fig given then use fig methods, else use pyplot methods if fig is not None: savefig_fn = fig.savefig close_fn = fig.clear else: savefig_fn = plt.savefig close_fn = plt.close if img_format is None: write_file = filename # get the img_format from the end of the filename _, img_format = os.path.splitext(filename) if img_format is None or img_format == '': msg = 'Cannot determine img_format to save from filename "{}"' raise ValueError(msg.format(filename)) # get rid of the . to be consistent throughout img_format = img_format[1:] else: if img_format.startswith('.'): img_format = img_format[1:] write_file = '%s.%s' % (filename, img_format) # Where to save the figure to? If we're going to postprocess it, save to # memory for speed and to cut down on IO load: do_any_postproc = (img_format in META_IMG_FORMATS or img_format in POSTPROC_IMG_FORMATS) if do_any_postproc: buf = io.BytesIO() savefig_file = buf else: savefig_file = write_file buf = None # should probably add lots of other args, or use **kwargs if dpi: savefig_fn(savefig_file, dpi=dpi) else: savefig_fn(savefig_file) if not keep_open: close_fn() if buf: # need to go to the start of the buffer, if that's where it went: if img_format in META_IMG_FORMATS: use_img_tags = img_tags else: use_img_tags = None if verbose: postproc_st = if img_format in POSTPROC_IMG_FORMATS: if dpi is None or img_format not in DPI_IMG_FORMATS: img_dpi = None else: img_dpi = (dpi, dpi) image_file_postproc(write_file, img_buf=buf, img_dpi=img_dpi, img_converter=img_converter, do_trim=do_trim, trim_border=trim_border, logo_file=logo_file, logo_width=logo_width, logo_height=logo_height, logo_padding=logo_padding, logo_pos=logo_pos, do_thumb=do_thumb, img_tags=use_img_tags, verbose=verbose) else: msg = 'Currently, ImageMetaTag does not support "{}" format images' raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(img_format)) # image post-processing completed, so close the buffer if we opened it: if buf: buf.close() if verbose: msg = 'Image post-processing took: {}' print(msg.format(str( - postproc_st))) # now write to the database, if it is specifed: if not (db_file is None or img_tags is None): if verbose: db_st = # if the image path can be expressed as a relative path compared # to the database file, then do so (unless told otherwise). db_dir = os.path.split(db_file)[0] if filename.startswith(db_dir) and not db_full_paths: db_filename = os.path.relpath(filename, db_dir) else: db_filename = filename wrote_db = False n_tries = 1 while not wrote_db and n_tries <= db_attempts: try: db.write_img_to_dbfile(db_file, db_filename, img_tags, timeout=db_timeout, attempt_replace=db_replace, add_strict=db_add_strict) wrote_db = True except sqlite3.OperationalError as op_err: if 'database is locked' in repr(op_err): # database being locked is what the retries and timeouts # are for: msg = ('{} database timeout for image "{}", writing to ' 'file "{}", {} s') print(msg.format(db.dt_now_str(), db_file, write_file, n_tries * db_timeout)) n_tries += 1 else: # everything else needs to be reported and raised # immediately: msg = '{} for file {}'.format(op_err, db_file) raise sqlite3.OperationalError(msg) except Exception: raise if n_tries > db_attempts: raise sqlite3.OperationalError(op_err) if verbose: msg = 'Database write took: {}' print(msg.format(str( - db_st)))
[docs] def image_file_postproc(filename, outfile=None, img_buf=None, img_dpi=None, img_converter=0, do_trim=False, trim_border=0, logo_file=None, logo_width=None, logo_height=None, logo_padding=0, logo_pos=0, do_thumb=False, img_tags=None, verbose=False): ''' Does the image post-processing for :func:`ImageMetaTag.savefig`. Arguments: filename the name of the image file to process Options: * outfile - If supplied, the processing will be applied to a new file, \ with this name. If not supplied, the post processing will \ overwrite the file given input file. * img_buf - If the image has been saved to an in-memory buffer, then \ supply the image buffer here. This will speed up the \ post-processing. * img_dpi - output image dpi (if available for the image format) \ as a tuple for horizontal/vertical values eg: (72, 72) * img_converter - an integer switch controlling the level of file size \ compression * 0 - no compression * 1 - light compression, from RGBA to RGB * 2 - moderate compression, from RGBA to RGB, then to an \ adaptive 256 colour palette. * 3 - heavy compression, from RGBA to RGB, then to 8-bit \ web standard palette. * do_trim - switch to trim whitespace from the edge of the image * trim_border - if do_trim then this can be used to define an integer \ number of pixels as a border around the trim. * logo_file - a file, or list of image files, to be added as logo(s) to \ the image. When multiple files are added to the same \ logo_pos then they are grouped horizontally from left to \ right before being added. * logo_width - the desired width of a single logo, in pixels. If the \ supplied image file is not the right size, it will be \ resized using a method that applies filters and \ antialiasing that works well for shrinking images with \ text to a much smaller size. The aspect ratio of the logo \ image is always maintained. Either logo_width or \ logo_height need to be specified, and width overrides \ height if both are specified. Defaults to 40 pixels. * logo_height - the desired height of each logo, in pixels, instead of \ logo_width. * logo_padding - a number of pixels to pad around the logo \ (default to zero) * logo_pos - corner, or list of corners, of the logo(s) (following \ pyplot.legend, but for corners): * 0: 'best' in this context will be upper left (default) * 1: 'upper right' (image grows in width to fit) * 2: 'upper left' (image grows in width to fit) * 3: 'lower left' (image grows in height to fit) * 4: 'lower right' (image grows in height to fit) * do_thumb - switch to produce default sized thumbnail, or integer/tuple \ to define the maximum size in pixels * img_tags: a dictionary of tags to be added to the image metadata * verbose: switch for verbose output (reports file sizes before/after \ conversion) ''' # if both logo_width and height are None, apply the defualt to the width: if logo_height is None and logo_width is None: logo_size = {'w': 40} elif logo_height is None: logo_size = {'w': logo_width} elif logo_width is None: logo_size = {'h': logo_height} else: # if both height and width are set, only apply the width: logo_size = {'w': logo_width} # usually, this is used to overwrite a file, but an outfile can be # specified: if not outfile: outfile = filename if verbose: if img_buf: st_fsize = int(sys.getsizeof(img_buf)) else: st_fsize = os.path.getsize(filename) if not (img_tags is None or isinstance(img_tags, dict)): raise ValueError('Image tags must be supplied as a dictionary') if img_converter not in range(4): raise ValueError('Unavailable method for image conversion') # do_thumb should equate to integer type or be a tuple of integers # # this test is taking advantage of the isinstance(do_thumb, tutple) being # true before testing the contents of do_thumb. # Also that as a bool, do_thumb also passes isinstance(do_thumb, int). if not isinstance(do_thumb, int) or (isinstance(do_thumb, tuple) and isinstance(do_thumb[0], int) and isinstance(do_thumb[1], int)): raise ValueError('Invalid thumbnail size') # do we do any image modification at all? modify = (do_trim or do_thumb or img_tags or img_converter > 0 or logo_file is not None) if img_buf: # if the image is in a buffer, then load it now im_obj = if not modify: # if we're not doing anyhting, then save it:, dpi=img_dpi, optimize=True) else: if modify: # use the image library to open the file: im_obj = if do_trim: # call the _im_trim routine defined above: im_obj = _im_trim(im_obj, border=trim_border) if logo_file is not None: im_obj = _im_logos(im_obj, logo_file, logo_size, logo_padding, logo_pos) if do_thumb: # make a thumbnail image here, if required. It is important to do this # before we change the colour pallette of the main image, so that there # are sufficent colours to do the interpolation. Afterwards, the # thumbnail can hage its colour table reduced as well. # # set a default thumbnail directory name and determine relative paths thumb_dir_name = THUMB_DEFAULT_DIR_NAME thumb_directory = os.path.join(os.path.split(outfile)[0], thumb_dir_name) thumb_full_path = os.path.join(thumb_directory, os.path.split(outfile)[1]) # create thumbnail directory if one does not exist if not os.path.isdir(thumb_directory): os.mkdir(thumb_directory) # set to default thumbnail size if no size specified if do_thumb is True: do_thumb = THUMB_DEFAULT_IMG_SIZE # check input elif not isinstance(do_thumb, tuple): do_thumb = (do_thumb, do_thumb) # create the thumbnail im_thumb = im_obj.copy() if hasattr(Image, "LANCZOS"): im_thumb.thumbnail(do_thumb, Image.LANCZOS) else: im_thumb.thumbnail(do_thumb, Image.ANTIALIAS) # images start out as RGBA, strip out the alpha channel first by # converting to RGB,then you convert to the next format # (that's key to keeping image quality, I think): if img_converter == 1: # this is a good quality image, but not very much smaller: im_obj = im_obj.convert('RGB') if do_thumb: im_thumb = im_thumb.convert('RGB') elif img_converter == 2: # second conversion to 8-bit 'P', palette mode with an adaptive # palette. works well for line plots. im_obj = _im_P256(im_obj) if do_thumb: im_thumb = _im_P256(im_thumb) elif img_converter == 3: # this is VERY strong optimisation and the result can be speckly. im_obj = _im_PWEB(im_obj) if do_thumb: im_thumb = _im_PWEB(im_thumb) if do_thumb: # now save the thumbnail: if img_tags: # add the tags im_thumb = _im_add_png_tags(im_thumb, img_tags) # and save with metadata _im_pngsave_addmeta(im_thumb, thumb_full_path, optimize=True, verbose=verbose) # set a thumbnail directory tag for the main image img_tags.update({'thumbnail directory': thumb_dir_name}) else: # simple save, optimize=True) # now save the main image:n if img_tags: # add the tags im_obj = _im_add_png_tags(im_obj, img_tags) # and save with metadata _im_pngsave_addmeta(im_obj, outfile, img_dpi=img_dpi, optimize=True, verbose=verbose) elif modify: # simple save, dpi=img_dpi, optimize=True) if verbose: # now report the file size change: en_fsize = os.path.getsize(outfile) msg = 'File: "{}". Size: {}, to {} bytes ({}% original size)' relative_size = (100.0 * en_fsize)/st_fsize print(msg.format(filename, st_fsize, en_fsize, relative_size))
def _im_P256(im_obj): 'Converts an image object to "P" pallette mode with 256 colours (8-bit)' # convert to RGB first to get rid of alpha channel: tmp_im = im_obj.convert('RGB') # then return that, converted to 8bit P: return tmp_im.convert('P', palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=256) def _im_PWEB(im_obj): 'Converts an image to "P" pallette mode with stadnard web colors' tmp_im = im_obj.convert('RGB') return tmp_im.convert('P', palette=Image.WEB) def _im_trim(im_obj, border=0): 'Trims an image object using Python Image Library' if not isinstance(border, int): msg = 'Input border must be an int, but is "{}", type {} instead' raise ValueError(msg.format(border, type(border))) # get the bounding box for the trim: bbox = _im_getbbox_for_trim(im_obj) if border != 0 and bbox is not None: border_bbox = [-border, -border, border, border] # now apply that trim: try: bbox_tr = [x+y for x, y in zip(bbox, border_bbox)] except: raise ValueError('bounding box failure') #pdb.set_trace() # bbox defines the first corner as top+left, then the second corner # as bottom+right (not the bottom left corner, and the width, # height from there) if bbox_tr[0] < 0: bbox_tr[0] = 0 if bbox_tr[1] < 0: bbox_tr[1] = 0 if bbox_tr[2] > im_obj.size[0]: bbox_tr[2] = im_obj.size[0] if bbox_tr[3] > im_obj.size[1]: bbox_tr[3] = im_obj.size[1] # now check to see if that's actually foing to do anything: if bbox_tr == [0, 0, im_obj.size[0], im_obj.size[1]]: bbox = None else: bbox = bbox_tr if bbox: # crop: im_obj = im_obj.crop(bbox) return im_obj def _im_getbbox_for_trim(im_obj): ''' works out the bounding box that defines the actual conent of the image assuming that the top left pixel is the background colour ''' # make a background using the colour in the top/left corner: bg_col = im_obj.getpixel((1, 1)) backg =, im_obj.size, bg_col) # do an image difference: diff = ImageChops.difference(im_obj, backg) # add it together diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 1.0, -100) # and see what the bbox is of that... bbox = diff.getbbox() if bbox is None: # substitute all backgound color for alpha: im_data = np.array(im_obj) im_red, im_grn, im_blu, im_alp = im_data.T bg_areas = (im_red == bg_col[0]) & (im_grn == bg_col[1]) & (im_blu == bg_col[2]) # now set that as zero im_data[..., :][bg_areas.T] = (0, 0, 0, 0) diff = Image.fromarray(im_data) # and get the bounding box from that bbox = diff.getbbox() return bbox def _im_logos(im_obj, logo_files, logo_size, logo_padding, logo_poss): ''' adds logo or logos to the corners of an image object (usually after an im_trim) ''' # work out what logo files go in what corners: if isinstance(logo_files, str): logo_files = [logo_files] if isinstance(logo_poss, int): logo_poss = [logo_poss] logos_by_corner = {} for logo_file, logo_pos in zip(logo_files, logo_poss): # at this stage, each logo_file should be a string # pointing to a file if not isinstance(logo_file, str): msg = 'logo file is not a string - should be a path but is {}' raise ValueError(msg.format(logo_file)) # and logo_pos should be an intger: if not isinstance(logo_pos, int): msg = 'logo position specified not an int, but is {}' raise ValueError(msg.format(logo_pos)) if logo_pos not in logos_by_corner: logos_by_corner[logo_pos] = [logo_file] else: logos_by_corner[logo_pos].append(logo_file) # now add them: for logo_pos, logo_file in logos_by_corner.items(): if len(logo_file) == 1: logo_file = logo_file[0] else: # multiple files get merged before adding: logo_file = _logo_merge(logo_file, logo_size, logo_padding, im_obj.getpixel((0, 0))) im_obj = _im_logo(im_obj, logo_file, logo_size, logo_padding, logo_pos) return im_obj def _im_logo(im_obj, logo_file, logo_size, logo_padding, logo_pos): ''' adds a logo to the required corner of an image object (usually after an im_trim) ''' if logo_file is None: # somehow got here with a None, do nothing: return im_obj if isinstance(logo_file, str): # load in and resize the logo file image: res_logo_obj = resize_logo(, logo_size) else: # assume this is a pre-loaded/resized logo image: res_logo_obj = logo_file # now pull out a sub image from the main image, that's just where the # logo would go, it it were this is the size we want to have blank, to # put the logo, including padding: req_logo_size = [x + 2*logo_padding for x in res_logo_obj.size] if logo_pos in [0, 2]: corner_coords = (0, 0, req_logo_size[0], req_logo_size[1]) elif logo_pos == 1: corner_coords = (im_obj.size[0] - req_logo_size[0], 0, im_obj.size[0], req_logo_size[1]) elif logo_pos == 3: corner_coords = (0, im_obj.size[1] - req_logo_size[1], req_logo_size[0], im_obj.size[1]) elif logo_pos == 4: corner_coords = (im_obj.size[0] - req_logo_size[0], im_obj.size[1] - req_logo_size[1], im_obj.size[0], im_obj.size[1]) else: msg = 'logo_pos={} is invalid. Valid options in range 0 to 4' raise ValueError(msg) corner_obj = im_obj.crop(corner_coords) # now get a bounding box as though we were trimming this image: bbox = _im_getbbox_for_trim(corner_obj) if bbox is None: # the corner object is empty so no need to offset: offset_x = 0 offset_y = 0 else: if logo_pos in [0, 2]: # as this is the top left corner of a plot, the logo should be # offset only in x (so the title is still at the top) offset_x = req_logo_size[0] - bbox[0] offset_y = 0 elif logo_pos == 1: # top right, again just in x offset_x = bbox[2] offset_y = 0 elif logo_pos in [3, 4]: # both of these are on the bottom, so drop the logo downwards: offset_x = 0 offset_y = bbox[3] # now put that together to make an image: # create the blank image: new_size = list(im_obj.size) new_size[0] += offset_x new_size[1] += offset_y new_obj =, new_size, im_obj.getpixel((0, 0))) # put in the main image and logo at the required positions if logo_pos in [0, 2]: # main image is offset by x and y: im_coords = (offset_x, offset_y) # logo pops in the corner, padded: logo_coords = (logo_padding, logo_padding) elif logo_pos == 1: # main image starts immediately in x, and offset_y in y: im_coords = (0, offset_y) # the logo goes in the top right corner, offset/padded: logo_coords = (new_size[0] - req_logo_size[0] + logo_padding, logo_padding) elif logo_pos == 3: # main image at the top, but can be offset in x: im_coords = (offset_x, 0) # logo logo_coords = (logo_padding, new_size[1] - req_logo_size[1] + logo_padding) elif logo_pos == 4: # main image must start at 0,0 im_coords = (0, 0) # logo needs to go in the bottom right, padded: logo_coords = (new_size[0] - req_logo_size[0] + logo_padding, new_size[1] - req_logo_size[1] + logo_padding) # now put that together to make an image: new_obj.paste(im_obj, im_coords) new_obj.paste(res_logo_obj, logo_coords) return new_obj def resize_logo(logo_obj, logo_size): 'rescale am image to the new width/height' do_resize = False # either resize by width or height, keeping the aspect ratio the same # so work out height from width and vice versa: if 'w' in logo_size: logo_width = int(logo_size['w']) if logo_width != logo_obj.size[0]: logo_height = int(logo_obj.size[1] * float(logo_width) / logo_obj.size[0]) do_resize = True elif 'h' in logo_size: logo_height = int(logo_size['h']) if logo_height != logo_obj.size[1]: logo_width = int(logo_obj.size[0] * float(logo_height) / logo_obj.size[1]) do_resize = True # now resize if required: if do_resize: size_tuple = (logo_width, logo_height) res_logo_obj = _img_stong_resize(logo_obj, size=size_tuple) else: res_logo_obj = logo_obj return res_logo_obj def _logo_merge(logo_list, logo_size, padding, bg_col): 'merges a list of image files horizontally, with padding (pixels)' # load up and files that aren't already loaded and get their dims: im_list = [] im_heights = [] im_widths = [] for logo_file in logo_list: if logo_file is None: pass elif isinstance(logo_file, str): im_list.append(resize_logo(, logo_size)) else: # going to assume that this is a pre-loaded image object # as not simple to do a clean for all PIL image formats im_list.append(logo_file) im_widths.append(im_list[-1].size[0]) im_heights.append(im_list[-1].size[1]) # now create the merged image: new_size = [sum(im_widths) + padding, max(im_heights)] merged =[0].mode, new_size, bg_col) # and put the images in: current_x = 0 for i_logo, logo_obj in enumerate(im_list): # if the logo has an alpha channel, make a new version with # the new background color: if logo_obj.mode == 'RGBA': # create a new version of logo_obj with the correct background # color: tmp_logo ='RGB', size=logo_obj.size, color=bg_col) # paste the thumbnail into the full sized image tmp_logo.paste(logo_obj, (0, 0), mask=logo_obj.split()[3]) else: tmp_logo = logo_obj # vertically centre this logo: y_offset = int((new_size[1] - logo_obj.size[1]) / 2) # add the image: merged.paste(tmp_logo, (current_x, y_offset)) # and increment the x: current_x += logo_obj.size[0] + padding return merged def _im_add_png_tags(im_obj, png_tags): 'adds img_tags to an image object for later saving' for key, val in png_tags.items():[key] = val return im_obj def _im_pngsave_addmeta(im_obj, outfile, img_dpi=None, optimize=True, verbose=False): 'saves an image object to a png file, adding metadata using the info tag.' # undocumented class meta = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo() # copy metadata into new object for key, val in if key in RESERVED_TAGS: pass elif val is None: if verbose: print('key "%s" is set to None' % key) else: if isinstance(val, str): meta.add_text(key, val, 0) else: msg = ('WARNING: metadata key "{}" skipped as it is type "{}"' ' when it should be a string. Contents: \n "{}"') print(msg.format(key, type(val), val)) # and save, "PNG", dpi=img_dpi, optimize=optimize, pnginfo=meta) def _img_stong_resize(img_obj, size=None): ''' does image pre-processing before a strong resize, to get rid of halo effects ''' if size is None: size = (40, 40) # shrink_ratio = [x/float(y) for x,y in zip(img_obj.size, size)] # make sure the image has an alpha channel: img_obj = img_obj.convert('RGBA') # premultiply the alpha channel: new_img_obj = _img_premultiplyAlpha(img_obj) # and smooth is the change is size is large: # if max(shrink_ratio) >= 2: # new_img_obj = new_img_obj.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH) # now resize: if hasattr(Image, "LANCZOS"): res_img_obj = new_img_obj.resize(size, Image.LANCZOS) else: res_img_obj = new_img_obj.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) return res_img_obj def _img_premultiplyAlpha(img_obj): ''' Premultiplies an input image by its alpha channel, which is useful for strong resizes ''' # fake transparent image to blend with transparent ="RGBA", img_obj.size, (0, 0, 0, 0)) # blend with transparent image using own alpha return Image.composite(img_obj, transparent, img_obj)