This module contains a set of functions to create/write to/read
and maintain an sqlite3 database of image files and their associated metadata.
In normal usage it is primarily used by :func:`ImageMetaTag.savefig` to
create the database as figures are saved. Once the metadata database has been
built up then the metadata can be loaded with :func:`ImageMetaTag.db.read`.
(C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved.
Released under BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE for more details.
import os
import sqlite3
import fnmatch
import time
import errno
import pdb
from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO
import numpy as np
from ImageMetaTag import META_IMG_FORMATS
from ImageMetaTag import DEFAULT_DB_TIMEOUT
from ImageMetaTag import DEFAULT_DB_ATTEMPTS
from ImageMetaTag.img_dict import readmeta_from_image
from ImageMetaTag.img_dict import check_for_required_keys
# the name of the database table that holds the plot metadata
def info_key_to_db_name(in_str):
'Consistently convert a name in the img_info dict database'
return in_str.replace(' ', '__')
def db_name_to_info_key(in_str):
'Inverse of info_key_to_db_name'
# convert to string, to remove unicode string
return str(in_str).replace('__', ' ')
def write_img_to_dbfile(db_file, img_filename, img_info, add_strict=False,
Writes image metadata to a database.
* db_file - the database file to write to. If it does not exist, it will \
be created.
* img_filename - the filename of the image to which the metadata applies. \
Usually this is either the absolute path, or it is \
useful to make this the relative path, from the location \
of the database file.
* img_info - a dictionary containing any number of {tag_name: value} \
pairs to be stored.
* add_strict - passed into :func:`ImageMetaTag.db.write_img_to_open_db`
* attempt_replace - passed to :func:`ImageMetaTag.db.write_img_to_open_db`
* timeout - default timeout to try and write to the database.
This is commonly used in :func:`ImageMetaTag.savefig`
if len(img_info) == 0:
raise ValueError('Size of image info dict is zero')
if db_file is None:
# open the database:
dbcn, dbcr = open_or_create_db_file(db_file, img_info, timeout=timeout)
# now write:
write_img_to_open_db(dbcr, img_filename, img_info,
# now commit that databasde entry and close:
def read(db_file, required_tags=None, tag_strings=None,
reads in the database written by write_img_to_dbfile
* required_tags - a list of image tags to return, and to fail if not all are \
* tag_strings - an input list that will be populated with the unique values of \
the image tags.
* n_samples - if provided, only the given number of entries will be loaded \
from the database, at random. \
Must be an integer or None (default None)
* a list of filenames (payloads for the :class:`ImageMetaTag.ImageDict` class )
* a dictionary, by filename, containing a dictionary of the image metadata \
as *tagname: value*
If tag_strings is not supplied, then the returned dictionary will contain a
large number of duplicated strings, which can be an inefficient use of memory
with large databases. If tag_strings is supplied, it will be populated with a
unique list of strings used as tags and the dictionary will only contain
references to this list. This can reduce memory usage considerably, both for
the dictionary itself but also of an :class:`ImageMetaTag.ImageDict` produced
with the dictionary.
Will return None, None if there is a problem.
In older versions, this was named read_img_info_from_dbfile which will still work.
if db_file is None:
return None, None
if not os.path.isfile(db_file):
return None, None
n_tries = 1
read_db = False
while not read_db and n_tries <= db_attempts:
# open the connection and the cursor:
dbcn, dbcr = open_db_file(db_file, timeout=db_timeout)
# read it:
f_list, out_dict = read_img_info_from_dbcursor(dbcr,
# close connection:
read_db = True
except sqlite3.OperationalError as op_err:
if 'database is locked' in repr(op_err):
# database being locked is what the retries and timeouts are for:
print('%s database timeout reading from file "%s", %s s' \
% (dt_now_str(), db_file, n_tries * db_timeout))
n_tries += 1
elif 'no such table: {}'.format(SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE) in repr(op_err):
# the db file exists, but it doesn't have anything in it:
return None, None
# everything else needs to be reported and raised immediately:
msg = '{} for file {}'.format(op_err, db_file)
raise sqlite3.OperationalError(msg)
# if we went through all the attempts then it is time to raise the error:
if n_tries > db_attempts:
msg = '{} for file {}'.format(op_err, db_file)
raise sqlite3.OperationalError(msg)
# close connection:
return f_list, out_dict
read_img_info_from_dbfile = read
def merge_db_files(main_db_file, add_db_file, delete_add_db=False,
delete_added_entries=False, attempt_replace=False,
Merges two ImageMetaTag database files, with the contents of add_db_file
added to the main_db_file. The databases should have the same tags within
them for the merge to work.
* add_strict - passed into :func:`ImageMetaTag.db.write_img_to_open_db`
* attempt_replace - passed to :func:`ImageMetaTag.db.write_img_to_open_db`
* delete_add_db - if True, the added file will be deleted afterwards
* delete_added_entries - if delete_add_db is False, this will keep the \
add_db_file but remove the entries from it which \
were added to the main_db_file. This is useful \
if parallel processes are writing to the \
databases. Ignored if delete_add_db is True.
# read what we want to add in:
add_filelist, add_tags = read(add_db_file, db_timeout=db_timeout, db_attempts=db_attempts)
if add_filelist is not None:
if len(add_filelist) > 0:
n_tries = 1
wrote_db = False
while not wrote_db and n_tries <= db_attempts:
# open the main database
dbcn, dbcr = open_db_file(main_db_file, timeout=db_timeout)
# and add in the new contents:
for add_file, add_info in add_tags.items():
write_img_to_open_db(dbcr, add_file, add_info,
# if we got here, then we're good!
wrote_db = True
# finally close:
except sqlite3.OperationalError as op_err:
if 'database is locked' in repr(op_err):
# database being locked is what the retries and timeouts are for:
print('%s database timeout writing to file "%s", %s s' \
% (dt_now_str(), main_db_file, n_tries * db_timeout))
n_tries += 1
# everything else needs to be reported and raised immediately:
msg = '{} for file {}'.format(op_err, main_db_file)
raise sqlite3.OperationalError(msg)
# if we went through all the attempts then it is time to raise the error:
if n_tries > db_attempts:
msg = '{} for file {}'.format(op_err, main_db_file)
raise sqlite3.OperationalError(msg)
# delete or tidy:
if delete_add_db:
elif delete_added_entries:
del_plots_from_dbfile(add_db_file, add_filelist, do_vacuum=False,
allow_retries=True, skip_warning=True)
def open_or_create_db_file(db_file, img_info, restart_db=False, timeout=DEFAULT_DB_TIMEOUT):
Opens a database file and sets up initial tables, then returns the connection and cursor.
* db_file - the database file to open.
* img_info - a dictionary of image metadata to be saved to the database.
* restart_db - when Truem this deletes the current db file and starts again, \
if it already exists.
Returns an open database connection (dbcn) and cursor (dbcr)
if not os.path.isfile(db_file) or restart_db:
if os.path.isfile(db_file):
# create a new database file:
dbcn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
dbcr = dbcn.cursor()
# and create the table:
create_table_for_img_info(dbcr, img_info)
# open the database file:
dbcn, dbcr = open_db_file(db_file, timeout=timeout)
# check for the required table:
table_names = list_tables(dbcr)
if SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE not in table_names:
# create it if required:
create_table_for_img_info(dbcr, img_info)
return dbcn, dbcr
def create_table_for_img_info(dbcr, img_info):
'Creates a database table, in a database cursor, to store for the input img_info'
for key in list(img_info.keys()):
create_command += ' "{}" TEXT,'.format(info_key_to_db_name(key))
create_command = create_command[0:-1] + ')'
# Can make a rare race condition if multiple processes try to create the file at the same time;
# If that happens, the error is:
# sqlite3.OperationalError: table img_info already exists for file .......
except sqlite3.OperationalError as op_err:
if 'table {} already exists'.format(SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE) in repr(op_err):
# another process has just created the table, so sleep(1)
# This is only when a db file is created so isn't called often
# (and the race condition is rare!)
# everything else needs to be reported and raised immediately:
raise sqlite3.OperationalError(op_err)
except sqlite3.Error as sq_err:
# everything else needs to be reported and raised immediately:
raise sqlite3.Error(sq_err)
def open_db_file(db_file, timeout=DEFAULT_DB_TIMEOUT):
Just opens an existing db_file, using timeouts but no retries.
Returns an open database connection (dbcn) and cursor (dbcr)
dbcn = sqlite3.connect(db_file, timeout=timeout)
dbcr = dbcn.cursor()
return dbcn, dbcr
def read_db_file_to_mem(db_file, timeout=DEFAULT_DB_TIMEOUT):
Opens a pre-existing database file into a copy held in memory. This can be accessed much
faster when doing extenstive work (a lot of select operations, for instance).
There is a time cost in doing this; it takes a few seconds to read in a large database,
so it is only worth doing when doing a lot of operations.
Tests on selects on a large-ish database (250k rows) suggested it was worth doing
for > 100 selects.
Returns an open database connection (dbcn) and cursor (dbcr)
# read the database into an in-memory file object:
#dbcn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
dbcn, _ = open_db_file(db_file, timeout=timeout)
memfile = StringIO()
for line in dbcn.iterdump():
# Create a database in memory and import from memfile
dbcn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
dbcr = dbcn.cursor()
return dbcn, dbcr
def write_img_to_open_db(dbcr, filename, img_info,
add_strict=False, attempt_replace=False):
Does the work for write_img_to_dbfile to add an image
to the open database cursor (dbcr)
* add_strict: if True then it will report a ValueError if you \
try and include fields that aren't defined in the table. \
If False, then adding a new metadata tag to the \
database will cause it be rewritten with the new item \
as a new column using \
:func:`ImageMetaTag.db.recrete_table_new_cols` \
All pre-existing images will have \
the new tag set to 'None'. It is best to avoid using \
this functionality as it can be slow for large \
databases. Instead, all images should be ideally have \
all expected metadata tags included from the start \
but set to 'None' where they are not used.
* attempt_replace: if True, then it will attempt to replace a database \
entry if the image is already present. \
Otherwise it will ignore it.
# now add in the information:
# get the name of the fields from the cursor descripton:
_ = dbcr.execute('select * from %s' % SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE).fetchone()
field_names = [r[0] for r in dbcr.description]
# convert these to keys:
field_names = [db_name_to_info_key(x) for x in field_names]
# now build the command
add_command = 'INSERT INTO {}({},'.format(SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE,
add_list = [filename]
invalid_fieldnames = []
for key, item in img_info.items():
add_command += ' "{}",'.format(info_key_to_db_name(key))
if key not in field_names:
# this is a problem that needs sorting:
if invalid_fieldnames != []:
if add_strict:
msg = ('Attempting to add a line to the database that '
'include fields not present in the database: {}')
raise ValueError(msg.format(invalid_fieldnames))
# need to recreate the database table afresh, because if we
# don't then it won't be correctly labelled by column:
recrete_table_new_cols(dbcr, field_names, invalid_fieldnames)
# add in the right number of ?
add_command = add_command[0:-1] + ') VALUES(' + '?,'*(len(add_list)-1) + '?)'
dbcr.execute(add_command, add_list)
except sqlite3.OperationalError as op_err_file:
err_check = 'no such table: {}'.format(SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE)
if err_check in repr(op_err_file):
create_table_for_img_info(dbcr, img_info)
dbcr.execute(add_command, add_list)
raise op_err_file
except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
if attempt_replace:
add_repl_command = add_command.replace('INSERT ',
# if this fails, want it to report it's error message as is,
# so do, or do not, there is no 'try':
dbcr.execute(add_repl_command, add_list)
# this file is already in the database
# (as the primary key, so do nothing...)
except sqlite3.InterfaceError as intfc_error:
raise intfc_error
def list_tables(dbcr):
'lists the tables present, from a database cursor'
result = dbcr.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall()
table_names = sorted([x[0] for x in result])
return table_names
def read_img_info_from_dbcursor(dbcr, required_tags=None, tag_strings=None,
Reads from an open database cursor (dbcr) for
:func:`ImageMetaTag.db.read` and other routines.
* required_tags - a list of image tags to return, and to fail if not all \
are present
* tag_strings - an input list that will be populated with the unique \
values of the image tags
* n_samples - if provided, only the given number of entries will be \
loaded from the database, at random. Must be an integer \
or None (default None)
# read in the data from the database:
if n_samples is None:
sel_com = 'SELECT * FROM {}'.format(SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE)
db_contents = dbcr.execute(sel_com).fetchall()
if not isinstance(n_samples, int):
raise ValueError('n_samples must be an integer')
elif n_samples < 1:
raise ValueError('n_samples must be > 1')
# read only a sample of lines:
read_cmd = ('SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1} IN (SELECT {1} FROM {0} '
read_cmd = read_cmd.format(SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE,
db_contents = dbcr.execute(read_cmd).fetchall()
# and convert that to a useful dict/list combo:
filename_list, out_dict = process_select_star_from(db_contents, dbcr,
return filename_list, out_dict
def process_select_star_from(db_contents, dbcr, required_tags=None,
Converts the output from a select * from .... command into a standard
output format. Requires a database cursor (dbcr) to identify the field
* required_tags - a list of image tags to return, and to fail if not \
all are present
* tag_strings - an input list that will be populated with the unique \
values of the image tags
* as :func:`ImageMetaTag.db.read`, but filtered according to the select.
* a list of filenames (payloads for the :class:`ImageMetaTag.ImageDict`)
* a dictionary, by filename, containing a dictionary of the image \
metadata as tagname: value
# get the name of the fields from the cursor descripton:
out_dict = {}
filename_list = []
# get the name of the fields from the cursor descripton:
field_names = [r[0] for r in dbcr.description]
# the required_tags input is a list of tag names (as strings):
if required_tags is not None:
if not isinstance(required_tags, list):
raise ValueError('Input required_tags should be a list of strings')
for test_str in required_tags:
if not isinstance(test_str, str):
raise ValueError('Input required_tags should be a list of strings')
if tag_strings is not None:
if not isinstance(tag_strings, list):
raise ValueError('Input tag_strings should be a list')
# now iterate and make a dictionary to return,
# with the tests outside the loops so they're not tested for every row and element:
if required_tags is None and tag_strings is None:
for row in db_contents:
fname = str(row[0])
img_info = {}
for tag_name, tag_val in zip(field_names[1:], row[1:]):
img_info[db_name_to_info_key(tag_name)] = str(tag_val)
out_dict[fname] = img_info
# return None, None if the contents are empty:
if len(filename_list) == 0 and len(out_dict) == 0:
return None, None
elif required_tags is not None and tag_strings is None:
for row in db_contents:
fname = str(row[0])
img_info = {}
for tag_name, tag_val in zip(field_names[1:], row[1:]):
tag_name_full = db_name_to_info_key(tag_name)
if tag_name_full in required_tags:
img_info[tag_name_full] = str(tag_val)
if len(img_info) != len(required_tags):
raise ValueError('Database entry does not contain all of the required_tags')
out_dict[fname] = img_info
# return None, None if the contents are empty:
if len(filename_list) == 0 and len(out_dict) == 0:
return None, None
elif required_tags is None and tag_strings is not None:
# we want all tags, but we want them as referneces to a common list:
for row in db_contents:
fname = str(row[0])
img_info = {}
for tag_name, tag_val in zip(field_names[1:], row[1:]):
str_tag_val = str(tag_val)
# loacate the tag_string in the list:
tag_index = tag_strings.index(str_tag_val)
# and refernece it:
img_info[db_name_to_info_key(tag_name)] = tag_strings[tag_index]
except ValueError:
# tag not yet in the tag_strings list, so
# add the new string onto the end:
# and reference it:
img_info[db_name_to_info_key(tag_name)] = tag_strings[-1]
out_dict[fname] = img_info
# return None, None if the contents are empty:
if len(filename_list) == 0 and len(out_dict) == 0:
return None, None
# we want to filter the tags, and we want them as referneces to a common list:
for row in db_contents:
fname = str(row[0])
img_info = {}
for tag_name, tag_val in zip(field_names[1:], row[1:]):
# test to see if the tag name is required:
tag_name_full = db_name_to_info_key(tag_name)
if tag_name_full in required_tags:
str_tag_val = str(tag_val)
# loacate the tag_string in the list:
tag_index = tag_strings.index(str_tag_val)
# and refernece it:
img_info[tag_name_full] = tag_strings[tag_index]
except ValueError:
# tag not yet in the tag_strings list, so
# add the new string onto the end:
# and reference it:
img_info[tag_name_full] = tag_strings[-1]
out_dict[fname] = img_info
# return None, None if the contents are empty:
if len(filename_list) == 0 and len(out_dict) == 0:
return None, None
# we're good, return the data:
return filename_list, out_dict
def del_plots_from_dbfile(db_file, filenames, do_vacuum=True, allow_retries=True,
deletes a list of files from a database file created by :mod:`ImageMetaTag.db`
* do_vacuum - if True, the database will be restructured/cleaned after the delete
* allow_retries - if True, retries will be allowed if the database is locked.\
If False there are no retries, but sleep commands try to avoid the need\
when doing a large number of deletes.
* db_timeout - overide default database timeouts, if doing retries
* db_attempts - overide default number of attempts, if doing retries
* skip_warning - do not warn if a filename, that has been requested to be deleted,\
does not exist in the database
if not isinstance(filenames, list):
fn_list = [filenames]
fn_list = filenames
# delete command to use:
del_cmd = "DELETE FROM {} WHERE {}=?"
if db_file is None:
if not os.path.isfile(db_file) or len(fn_list) == 0:
if allow_retries:
# split the list of filenames up into appropciately sized chunks, so that
# concurrent delete commands each have a chance to complete:
# 200 is arbriatily chosen, but seems to work
chunk_size = 200
chunks = __gen_chunk_of_list(fn_list, chunk_size)
for chunk_o_filenames in chunks:
# within each chunk of files, need to open the db, with time out retries etc:
n_tries = 1
wrote_db = False
while not wrote_db and n_tries <= db_attempts:
# open the database
dbcn, dbcr = open_db_file(db_file, timeout=db_timeout)
# go through the file chunk, one by one, and delete:
for fname in chunk_o_filenames:
except sqlite3.OperationalError as op_err_file:
err_check = 'no such table: {}'.format(SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE)
if err_check in op_err_file:
# the db file exists, but it doesn't have anything in it:
if not skip_warning:
msg = ('WARNING: Unable to delete file entry "{}" from'
' database "{}" as database table is missing')
print(msg.format(fname, db_file))
if not skip_warning:
# if this fails, print a warning...
# need to figure out why this might happen
msg = ('WARNING: unable to delete file entry:'
' "{}", type "{}" from database')
print(msg.format(fname, type(fname)))
# if we got here, then we're good!
wrote_db = True
# finally close (for this chunk)
except sqlite3.OperationalError as op_err:
if 'database is locked' in repr(op_err):
# database being locked is what the retries and timeouts are for:
msg = '{} database timeout deleting from file "{}", {} s'
print(msg.format(dt_now_str(), db_file, n_tries * db_timeout))
n_tries += 1
elif 'disk I/O error' in repr(op_err):
msg = '{} for file {}'.format(op_err, db_file)
raise IOError(msg)
# everything else needs to be reported and raised immediately:
msg = '{} for file {}'.format(op_err, db_file)
raise ValueError(msg)
# if we went through all the attempts then it is time to raise the error:
if n_tries > db_attempts:
msg = '{} for file {}'.format(op_err, db_file)
raise sqlite3.OperationalError(msg)
# just open the database:
dbcn, dbcr = open_db_file(db_file)
# delete the contents:
for i_fn, fname in enumerate(fn_list):
dbcr.execute(del_cmd.format(SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE), (fname,))
if not skip_warning:
# if this fails, print a warning...
# need to figure out why this happens
msg = ('WARNING: unable to delete file entry:'
' "{}", type "{}" from database')
print(msg.format(fname, type(fname)))
# commit every 100 to give other processes a chance:
if i_fn % 100 == 0:
# commit, and vacuum if required:
if do_vacuum:
if allow_retries:
# need to re-open the db, if we allowed retries:
dbcn, dbcr = open_db_file(db_file)
elif not allow_retries:
def __gen_chunk_of_list(in_list, chunk_size):
'gnerator that yields a chunk of list, of length chunk size'
for ndx in range(0, len(in_list), chunk_size):
yield in_list[ndx:min(ndx + chunk_size, len(in_list))]
def recrete_table_new_cols(dbcr, current_cols, new_cols):
for a given database cursor (bdcr) this recreates a new version of the
ImageMetaTag database table with new columns.
This is a major change to a database, and takes place (deliberately)
without any commit statements (otherwise the database file seen by other
connections/processes will see an intermediate/incorrect database).
Because of this, this process is slow and should be avoided if at all
msg = 'WARNING: recreating database table with new image tags: {}'
# read the cuirrent contents of the database:
_f_list, img_infos = read_img_info_from_dbcursor(dbcr)
_ = dbcr.execute('select * from %s' % SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE).fetchone()
current_flds = [r[0] for r in dbcr.description]
current_keys = [db_name_to_info_key(x) for x in current_flds]
# rename the current database table, checking to see if there is already
# a tmp table (delete it if so):
table_names = list_tables(dbcr)
tmp_table = '{}_tmp'.format(SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE)
drop_tmp_table_comm = 'DROP TABLE "{}";'.format(tmp_table)
if tmp_table in table_names:
msg = 'WARNING: database table {} already exists. Overwriting it now.'
# now do the rename:
alter_command = 'ALTER TABLE "{}" RENAME TO "{}";'
alter_command.format(SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE, tmp_table)
dbcr.execute(alter_command.format(SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE, tmp_table))
# now recreate the table with the new elements:
new_key_dict = {}
for keyname in current_cols + new_cols:
if keyname != SQLITE_IMG_INFO_FNAME:
new_key_dict[keyname] = ''
create_table_for_img_info(dbcr, new_key_dict)
# and pull the list of fields, in order:
_ = dbcr.execute('select * from %s' % SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE).fetchone()
new_flds = [r[0] for r in dbcr.description]
new_keys = [db_name_to_info_key(x) for x in new_flds]
# now populate the new table:
ins_comm = 'INSERT INTO {} VALUES ({}?);'.format(SQLITE_IMG_INFO_TABLE,
# now make a list of tuples ordered
ins_this = []
for img in img_infos:
img_info = img_infos[img]
# now build up what into to add, starting with the img filename:
this_ins = [img]
for key in new_keys[1:]:
if key in current_keys:
# got it from previous data, so use it:
# add it as None:
# and exectuemany on the insert command:
dbcr.executemany(ins_comm, ins_this)
# need to drop the _tmp table now as it has been superceded:
def scan_dir_for_db(basedir, db_file, img_tag_req=None, add_strict=False,
subdir_excl_list=None, known_file_tags=None, verbose=False,
no_file_ext=False, return_timings=False, restart_db=False):
A useful utility that scans a directory on disk for images that can go into a database.
This should only be used to build a database from a directory of tagged images that
did not previously use a database, or where the database file has been deleted but the
images have not.
For optimal performance, build the database as the plots are created (or do not delete
the database by accident).
* basedir - the directory to start scanning.
* db_file - the database file to save the image metadata to. A pre-existing database file\
will fail unless restart_db is True
* img_tag_req - a list of tag names that are to be applied/created. See add_strict for \
behaviour when tags are not present in an image.
* add_strict - When True, images without all of the img_tag_req are ignored, when False, \
images will be used if they have at least one item in imt_tag_req. Images \
with none of the metadata items are assumed to be from a different source.
Images that are used, with missing tags, will set those tags to 'None'.
* subdir_excl_list - a list of subdirectories that don't need to be scanned. ['thumbnail']\
for instance, will prevent the image thumbnails being included.
* no_file_ext - logical to exclude the file extension in the filenames saved to the database.
* known_file_tags - if supplied, this is a dict (keyed by filename entry),\
contains a dictionary, structured: {filename: {tag name: value}} \
for the images that are already known (so you don't need to read them \
from the files themselves as that is slow). This can be useful \
if you have a old backup of a database file that needs updating.
* restart_db - if True, the db_file will be restarted from an empty database.
* verbose - verbose output.
if os.path.isfile(db_file) and not restart_db:
raise ValueError('''scan_dir_for_db will not work on a pre-existing file unless restart_db
is True, in which case the database file will be restarted as empty. Use with care.''')
if known_file_tags is not None:
known_files = list(known_file_tags.keys())
known_files = []
if return_timings:
prev_time = datetime.now()
add_interval = 1
# total number of entries added
n_added = 0
# number of entries added since last timer
n_add_this_timer = 0
# and this is the list to return:
n_adds = []
timings_per_add = []
first_img = True
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('./', followlinks=True, topdown=True):
if not subdir_excl_list is None:
dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if not d in subdir_excl_list]
for meta_img_format in META_IMG_FORMATS:
for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, '*%s' % meta_img_format):
# append to the list, taking off the preceeding './' and the file extension:
if root == './':
img_path = filename
img_path = '%s/%s' % (root[2:], filename)
if no_file_ext:
img_name = os.path.splitext(img_path)[0]
img_name = img_path
# read the metadata:
if img_name in known_files:
# if we know this file details, then get it:
img_info = known_file_tags.pop(img_name)
read_ok = True
# otherwise read from disk:
(read_ok, img_info) = readmeta_from_image(img_path)
if read_ok:
if img_tag_req and add_strict:
# check to see if an image is needed:
use_img = check_for_required_keys(img_info, img_tag_req)
elif img_tag_req:
use_img = any([x in img_tag_req for x in img_info.keys()])
use_img = True
if use_img:
if first_img:
dbcn, dbcr = open_or_create_db_file(db_file, img_info,
first_img = False
write_img_to_open_db(dbcr, img_name, img_info,
if verbose:
if return_timings:
n_added += 1
n_add_this_timer += 1
if n_add_this_timer % add_interval == 0:
time_interval_s = (datetime.now()- prev_time).total_seconds()
timings_per_add.append(time_interval_s / add_interval)
# increase the add_interval so we don't swamp
# the processing with timings!
add_interval = np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_added))
n_add_this_timer = 0
if verbose:
print('len(n_adds)=%s, currently every %s' \
% (len(n_adds), add_interval))
# commit and close, and we are done:
if not first_img:
if return_timings:
return n_adds, timings_per_add
return None
def rmfile(path):
os.remove, but does not complain if the file has already been
deleted (by a parallel process, for instance).
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
else: raise
def dt_now_str():
'returns datetime.now(), as a string, in a common format'
return datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')